Unconscious Mind

You’ve probably heard of the analogy where your unconscious mind is compared to an iceberg, with 90% of it submerged under the surface. The unconscious mind records everything you’ve ever thought or felt. So if it’s filled with destructive thoughts and feelings, your life could be the Titanic, just waiting to be sunk.  In the age of the Titanic though there were no helicopters that could lift you out of the wreckage. Today there is.

The brain is very powerful – you’d be surprised by how much control it has over us. Anyone who has ever felt anxious or depressed can confirm this. Unconscious thoughts that we’re not even aware of play a big role in our daily lives, impacting the choices that we make. Yet your unconscious mind has some interesting traits and by getting it to work with you instead of against you, you will be able to achieve much more out of life.

The unconscious mind will keep you on the straight and narrow path as long as you give it the right directions. In one of my previous blogs we discussed how the unconscious mind can’t process negatives like “don’t” or “can’t”. Negative thoughts come straight from your conscious mind and since you created it, you are the only one that can change it, and we all have the power to do so.

The power of positive thinking! Once you recognize there is a negative thought coming your way, acknowledge it and stop it in its tracks before it can affect your mood. Then replace it with a positive thought. If you keep up with this one simple task soon it will become habitual, and your unconscious mind will be able to relax and reprogram. Imagine that helicopter being full of positive thoughts, poised to save you from the destructive feelings that have been trying to drag you under.

You can achieve your goals. You can live the life you want. You can get exactly what you want, and it can be done in a less stressful and much happier way when the unconscious mind is on your side rooting for you!

Need some coaching to help you overcome your communication blocks? Click here to learn how to connect with conviction.

Andrea Sig




Upcoming Events

Change Your Words, Change Your World’ – Workshop on May 30th

A one-day introductory workshop on how to shift from a fear-based reality to a joy-based one. If you need an excuse to get away for some ‘me’ time, this is it!

Workshop info (scroll down for the ‘Special Events’)

Places fill up quickly, email me andrea@purplefeather.co.uk or call me at 07779 481807 to save your spot!

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